

During the launch of the new Toyota Crown Car, our team developed an engaging AR experience to promote it through paid ads.

: work produces at Bajibot Media Agency
: partner with Yahoo! Creative Stidio

My Role
As a digital producer, I led the collaborative effort to bring our Toyota Crown AR experience to life. I conducted extensive research into the technical and user requirements for the project, and worked closely with our team of UX/UI designers, 3D AR engineers, and Yahoo! production team to ensure a seamless launch.

This Toyota Crown AR experience is hosted on 8th Wall and offers three immersive modes. The exterior mode allows users to walk around the car and tap on hotspots to view insights. In the interior mode, users can sit in the driver's seat and explore the interior of the car. The driving mode enables users to tap the screen and virtually drive the car around. The experience also includes user-friendly UI layers to easily navigate between modes.

Technical Managemant  
︎︎︎Web AR Gameplay
︎︎︎3D Development
︎︎︎8th Wall AR Development
︎︎︎Game Development Documentations
︎︎︎Technical Development Documentations
︎︎︎Product Specifications

Creative Management 
︎︎︎UX/UI Design
︎︎︎3D Development

Technical Approach
︎︎︎8th Wall Commercial License