
AT&T Rising Future Makers: Microsite 

The AT&T Dream in Black Rising Future Makers initiative recognizes 25 outstanding HBCU students who are making a positive impact in their communities and on their campuses, providing them with resources, connections, and opportunities to achieve their goals and aspirations.

: work produces at Bajibot Media Agency
: partner with Translation

My Role
In my role as a digital producer, I collaborated with a diverse team to develop and launch the assistant, involving technical and user research, close coordination with the Translation production team, UX/UI designers, and lead engineer.

A responsive AT&T landing page will be provided for users to submit their talent via video. The website launch will consist of three phases: the submission hub, the close of submissions, and the announcement of the winner.

Technical Managemant
︎︎︎Landing Page Development
︎︎︎Admin System Page and Database Development
︎︎︎Technical Specifications

Creative Management 
︎︎︎UX/UI Design Wireframes
︎︎︎Parallax Effect Design

Technical Approach
︎︎︎Traffic Analytic
︎ 2024 ︎ Secret Playground︎